How to maintain ideal Heat, Light temperature for a Ball Python?

The Royal Python, a.k.a. The Ball Python belongs to species of Pythons and is native to West & Central Africa. The ball python got its name for the ball shape it gets into as a defense strategy. However, it is known to be a great pet to humans because they do not have organoids to produce venom. And they are cute!

Check these points before buying a Ball Python

Before you decide to own a ball python as a new guest in your house, you need to look after a few things so that the reptile doesn’t feel uncomfortable in the situation, or die. Let’s have a look at those few things to care:

  • Ball pythons are shy, especially their hatchlings are shy and do not like to socialize with humans until accustomed to it.
  • The hatchlings tend to be picky in terms of food, and will not feed for up to four weeks after birth.  They were fed to their contentment in the eggshell.
  • If not fed for a long time, they can go fasting. This behavior will make your ball python lethargic, and eventually kill them.
  • They are cold-blooded, like every other reptile, and need a warmer surrounding to reside.

Why do you need to maintain a survival temperature for your Ball Python?

Ball pythons are ectothermic and rely upon the sun as well as their surroundings as a source of heat. Heat and humidity are a result of the presence of enough moisture and hotness around them. These two conditions help them maintain an ideal life cycle to regulate their metabolism, shredding, and color morphing. Too high or too low temperature can kill your pet. 

In the wild, snakes are adapted to the temperature in their habitat. Still, in captivity, it becomes our responsibility to make sure that surreal survival temperature is provided.

What is the ideal temperature for your ball python?

If you visited various pet shop owners or sites, you might have noticed that there is no perfect temperature for these snakes. However, it is still okay even if you get closer to the ideal temperature range. Ball pythons can choose their ideal temperature.

How to maintain ideal heat, light and temperature for ball python

You can go for a maximum of 85-91F for the hot side and 80F on the cool side to maintain the proper temperature gradient. A basking temperature of 90F should be enough to keep the snake warm inside. 

What should be the ideal Ball python heat mat temperature?

Heat pads are used as heat sources by covering either one-half or one-third of the terrarium’s floor space. Seed germination mats are also used successfully. High-quality mats are less likely to char your innocent long-buddy.

There is no ideal temperature for your heat mat. Various shop owners claim several conditions and temperatures. However, the temperature should remain between 88-96F, and should not exceed the set limits.

What are different types of Lights used in Ball Python tank?

A reliable, consistent heat source is a vital part of your pet’s vivarium setup. It needs one to regulate its body temperature. Even though pythons typically bask in the run, yet heat lamps are additional as well as optional.

Heat lamps are fixed to the top of your snake’s vivarium enclosure and radiate regulated heat downwards, simulating the way the sun works. They are suspended from a very high point and may or may not emit light. Heat bulb is held by heat lamps in other to reflect light and to make the vivarium warmer as well as brighter.

There are different types of heat lamps and heat bulbs to select from, and you can consider any size regarding what your snake requires using:

Incandescent lamps: These lamps emit bright, white light and available in various wattages to choose from.

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Ceramic lamps; These lights emit heat only and do not glow at all. A ceramic light can be used 24 hours a day, as long as they are in good & working condition.

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Mercury Vapour lamps: These are heat sources that emit UVA and UVB light, which is, however, unnecessary to your python as it does not need one. It is already gathering enough UV rays from the sun directly.

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Infrared reptile lamps: IR lamps radiate heat along with light to keep the thing, they are focussed on, warm. They do not, however, burn the snake and actually used a special snake light.

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Should you go for a ball python heat mat or a heat lamp?

Reptiles consider sunlight as the ultimate source of heat, and soil/land as a way to drain out or escape out the heat. So, while heating mats and tapes are the commonly used heat sources, they are actually unnatural. Thus, using a heat lamp is actually better than opting for a heat mat. Also, a low-quality heat mat can actually burn or even kill your snake.

What is the ideal ball python lighting wattage?

Ball pythons are crepuscular animals, meaning they are active during the twilight hours. Thus, lighting is unnecessary for them if the purpose isn’t illuminating their captivity.

It is recommended to use a lightbulb of no more than 75W, like the Chromalux Full Spectrum 75 Watt as an ideal lighting facility. You can go for a 25W or 50W for good results, but for ball pythons, and 10-gallon vivarium and 75W light source is just sufficient. Westinghouse Lighting Corp 25-watt or Exo Terra Day Sun Glo Daylight 50W can be considered for the best results.

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A 100W light source will make the enclosure unnecessarily bright and, in most cases, will radiate energy in the form of heat. Since another heat source has already been provided, so this method will create unnecessary confusion for your python’s mind. 

Also, if your room gets lit enough, it is ridiculous to buy another lighting system for an extra piece of place within your room. After all, it’s a living body, and it needs serene surroundings as well.  

What is the best mat for your ball python?

Heat mats/pads are used as a heat source to warm up the snake’s terrarium. A heating mat like iPower Small Seedling Heat Mat or  VIVOSUN 2 Pack Durable Waterproof Seedling Heat Mat will always serve the best for young pet care-takers.

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What is the best thermometer and Thermostat for ball python?

A thermostat is an instrument that is used to regulate the temperature in a heating system. Here, in this case, a thermostat is used to monitor the temperature of your ball python’s captivity. But thermostat is not just any instrument.

It is an essential device because if you spread heat in an unregulated manner, it can burn or char your reptile. They do not feel the temperature conditions as we humans do, and it is our responsibility to provide them the adequate conditions they need.

It is recommended to use a proportional thermostat instead of just an on/off switch. It doesn’t require the user to turn the thermostat, regulate the power supply, or set temperature from time to time. That technology was good, but ridiculous. A proportional thermostat oscillates the electrical power to smoothly adjust the heat source’s power to maintain a stable, regulated heat.

They are reliable and keep your pet safe. Proportional thermostats can run multipole heat sources with multiple heat probes at a time. These are a few thermostats that I recommend using to provide your snake the ultimate love in the form of heat:

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What is the best heat light for your ball python?

When you are choosing a light bulb for your reptilian-buddy’s enclosure, it should not be just any bulb or has any number of words. A black/red lamp and 75W rating should be the maximum you should go for, as a basic necessity for your python. Anything else higher can burn it down like anything.

Choose only Infrared light bulb and not halogen. You do not need enough heat to turn your terrarium into an oven. Since ball pythons are tropical snakes, and also nocturnal, so they need heat with lighting but not UV rays. So, choose accordingly.

We choose to go for Philips 415836 Heat Lamp Bulb 250-Watt R40 Red as Philips lamps currently dominate the market. However, we still have some alternate choices for your budget and for your own house setup.  

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I hope it helps you. If you have any doubt or question on ball python pets then let us know in comments.

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