Ball Python Training Exercise- Can we train Pet pythons?

The ball python is one of the most docile reptiles, which is nonvenomous. It is the calm, gentle and shy nature of ball python that drives many people to keep it as a pet. It is essential to understand that ball python is not any regular pet that can be trained to perform tricks or fetch your newspaper. Snakes can’t be prepared to appease the owner. 

Can we train Ball Pythons?

Having said that with patience and persistence, the ball python can be trained to some success. It can be taught to calm down by rubbing its body from a distance.

This helps as the python doesn’t bite while feeding. Ball pythons like other snakes feed on live insects, rats, etc., but with training, it can be given a dead meal like a frozen rat. This is so because many people become uncomfortable feeding live animal to snakes. 

Must checkBall Python as a pet?

The ball python like any other snake can’t be domesticated entirely. The taming process, however, can be initiated once the snake is accustomed to the environment and the touch of the owner. The python should have a comfortable, warm and dark enclosure to reduce the stress of taming exercise.

What it means when Ball Python wrap around owner neck?

Although the ball python tests the patience of the owner, yet with continuous careful handling and perseverance, the snake can become friendly. The ball python overtime familiarizes itself with the surroundings and the touch of the owner. Once the python becomes comfortable, it can gently wrap around the neck or arm of its owner. 

How to be friendly with Ball python?

It is necessary to note that ball python shouldn’t be handled more than 3 or 4 times a week. This should be done regularly; One precautionary measure to avoid biting by ball python is never approaching its head for lifting, always pick it up gently from the rear or middle portion and then support its whole body.

Ball Python training & exercises

Initially, start handling the python for not more than 15 minutes that can be gradually increased as the snake becomes comfortable with the surroundings and smell of the owner. With careful handling and proper precautions, the python can be tamed to a certain extent so that it doesn’t get aggressive frequently and be a good companion of the owners.

If I touch Head of my Ball Python, Python bites me, why?

If one tries to contact the head of the python, it gets defensive and may bite you. Similarly, one should avoid making sudden movements. Be gentle while handling the ball python.

Do Ball Pythons bites after feeding?

Another precaution one should keep in mind before handling the ball python is the post-feeding protocol. The post-feeding protocol means once the snake has eaten its meal, it should be left alone for a few days to digest the food. During this period, it shouldn’t be touched; otherwise, the python gets edgy.  Check Ball Python food feeding guide

There are specific tips to follow for handling ball python such as:

  • Once the ball python is comfortable with the surroundings, one can start the taming exercise. Before handling, wash your hands so that snake can smell you. Moreover, it helps in not spreading germs to the snake.
  • The slow movement of hands is necessary for handling, pick the snake from the middle to tail portion gently. Allow the snake to move on and around the arm.
  • When not handling the snake, its enclosure should be regularly readjusted so that it can be comfortable with your hand movement and also get your smell.
  • Take your python out of the enclosure/tank 3 or 4 times a week and allow it to slither around you.


The ball python is docile by nature and can be a great pet if handled cautiously. It doesn’t need much maintenance and can be a good companion if one properly tames it. The ball python, like any other snake, can’t learn to behave like dogs or other domesticated animals but can be successfully trained to some degree over some time.

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