What does it means when Bearded Dragons open its mouth?

A bearded dragon is one fascinating and curious creature, and if anybody owns one as a pet, they have probably noticed it spending long periods with its mouth open. Although the vast majority of the time, this gesture is not a reason for concern. Keeping the mouth open may also indicate that the health of the bearded dragon is in danger or that it is facing some stressful situation. That is why it is essential to understand What does it means when Bearded Dragons open its mouth?

Bearded Dragon Habitat Temperature

Heating is indispensable for any bearded dragon. Dragons are required to maintain their immunity and digestive systems. Since bearded dragons are cold-blooded creatures, they must get heat from external sources via basking. A lizard does not sweat; it keeps its mouth open to take its body temperature down. 

Shedding and Stretching of Bearded Dragon

Like numerous other creatures, bearded dragons are also required to stretch. When appeared a bearded Dragon stretch its jaw muscles, the individuals can notice it moves its mouth in short intervals than if it is gaping. A bearded dragon exercises the muscles of its mouth specifically frequently if it is about to initiate the process of shredding. Closing and opening its mouth assist the lizard in loosening the dead skin that later it will shed.

During the process of shedding, it is typical that the activity and energy level of the pet can also go down for a couple of days.  

Aggression in Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragon can also keep its mouth open if it feels threatened. If any bearded dragon comes across a stressful circumstance, it can puff the beard and hiss while opening its mouth. A bearded dragon is one friendly and calm animal, yet stressful circumstances and the feeling of exposure can stimulate its aggressive side. 

Respiratory Infection in Dragons

When an individual sees the bearded Dragon opening its mouth for a pretty long time and making the sound of a bit of click whenever it respirators, the lizard can suffer from an infection in the respiratory system.

Bearded dragons are not capable of coughing. They keep their mouth wide open to excel and inhale if the respiratory tract is blocked. The keeper can also hear their pet making a sound that is relatively high-pitched similar to any sneeze, if their pet is attempting to clear any mucus from its lungs. 

Mating season of Bearded Dragons

The owner can notice that their pet particularly becomes agitated and aggressive during specific times of the year. Typically in summer, this species of lizards have their mating periods in the wilderness. That can bring out the pet’s more hostile and territorial behaviours than usual. During this period, bearded dragons are also going to close and open their mouths to scare away potential intruders and impress. 

Even though opening the mouth is typically not a reason to worry for any bearded Dragon, if the owner notices an abnormal behaviour in their pet, they must visit the vet. As only a professional can adequately understand, What does it means when Bearded Dragons open its mouth?

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