Tips for Traveling with Goldendoodles in 2022

Having a dog is like having a baby. This is true! All dog owners are aware that it’s a big responsibility. Although dogs make the best companions, they demand a lot of care too. 

I am pretty sure you have heard the phrase, A dog is a man’s (or a woman’s) best friend! The phrase is 100% true. The loyalty and love the dogs give to their owners are commendable. This may be the reason why a dog is one of the most popular pets in the world. Every other house has a dog as a part of their family!

So what happens when the family takes a vacation? Well, you can either leave your dog behind with a dog sitter or at a friend’s place. But if you treat the dog as your family, you probably want to take them with you on your vacation. 

If this is what you want to do, then you better prepare yourself for traveling with your dog. If you are a dog owner, then I don’t need to tell you that every dog is different. A pitbull travels completely different from an Afghan hound. Therefore, you need to prepare for travel according to the breed of dog you have. 

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In this article, we have highlighted tips for traveling with Goldendoodles. Doodles are such friendly dog species; they are the cutest furry creatures that you just can’t stop loving. No matter how adorable they are, there are still a few challenges when traveling with them. 

We Love Doodles, a site dedicated to doodles of all kinds, highlights that each species has its own needs and quirks while traveling. Hence, pet owners must be careful. But don’t worry, listed below are a few tips for you to travel with your Goldendoodle buddies.

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Tips for Traveling with Goldendoodles

Pack Your Doodle’s Bag 

When we travel, we pack our essentials. Just so, you must also pack your Goldendoodle’s bag. Like, our toothbrushes, shampoos, clothes, shoes, swimming equipment, socks, etc. Similarly, you need to pack all the essential items for your Goldendoodle as well.

The following are a list of item that should be packed in your dog’s bag:

  • Poop bag – YUCK, I know. But it is practical and important nonetheless.
  • A few of your dog’s favorite toys. Just in case they lose it or throw a tantrum.
  • Foods and water, of course.
  • Bowls
  • Do not forget a harness. Because sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of traveling, you don’t want to end up losing your dog.
  • However, just in case it happens, you need to put on an identification tag on your dog.
  • Medication etc

Train And Practice With Your Doodle

Some of our dogs are homely creatures, they know which park you take them to, or the bus you take, etc. So when you take them to an unfamiliar place, they might get afraid and react. So you must train and practice with your dogs. What do I mean by this when I say, train and practice your dog for a vacation?

This means take them out on the street, on the elevators, let them get used to buildings and all the hustle and bustle of the touristy places. Make sure you take your dog in the car often as well. However, you need to be pretty sure and train your dog well to sit, stay and lay down when in the car.

The training should be so accurate that when you open the car door, you shouldn’t immediately jump out; it should wait for you to say, “okay, you can go now.” Trust me; this training will help you a lot when you are traveling.

Make Sure Your Goldendoodle Is Tired Out; It’s A Long Road Trip

If you are taking a flight to a distant city, take my word for it that you would want your dog tired out and possibly sleeping during the entire flight. Plus, have you seen the domestic planes? They are so small! You don’t want your dog acting out and irritating a lot of passengers as well.

Some Air companies have policies where they don’t even let your dog sit with you. They will ask you to put your dog in the compartment where all the luggage is kept. That might scare your dog, which is why either you tire your dog so much that he/she just sleeps for the entire flight, or you can give them vet-recommended medication, so they go to sleep and wake up at the point of destination.

How can you tire them out before the trip? Make sure your dog does lots and lots of physical activity. It’s time for some endless game of ‘Fetch ball.’

Get A Seatbelt For Your Dog

If you are traveling by car or by plane, you should get a seatbelt for your dog. That will help you from any unseen movements and prevent any unforeseen accident as well.

Get A Dog Bed

Bringing your dog’s bed will let your dog get a tiny piece of his home in a new place and comfort it.  Dogs are just like human babies, and they get scared of new environments and new places. This is why you see many kids take their ‘Blankies’ with them. And use them throughout the trip. The soul’s purpose is to have a little piece of home wherever you go.

Make Sure You Socialize Your Dog Enough Before You Travel

Last but not least, always make sure your dog has had a lot of social interactions! This will help the dogs not freak out when a stranger says ‘hello’ to them or want to play with them.

Enjoy Your Vacation!

If you have read our article and read the entire list, trust me that you are good to go to your vacation spot. And don’t worry about anything; there is always a first time, the second time you will know that taking your dog on vacation is not a big deal, plus your dog will get used to it as well.

So Happy Vacationing, you all!

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