How to know in advance If your bearded dragon is sick and about to die?

Beardie or bearded dragon is one of the most famous pet lizards, specifically for beginner lizard keepers. As it has particular diet temperature and care requirements which can be slipped by beginners along with more experienced, How to know in advance If your bearded dragon is sick and about to die? Specifically to get it to one skilled vet right away.

Missing Bowel Movements

It is essential to track how frequently the Bearded Dragon has a bowel movement as it is a step toward making sure the pet is healthy. If the beardie has not utilized the bathroom for numerous days, it is possible to have an impaction in its intestines that can end up in its death.

Even though there are aspects owners can do to assist their go, like offering it a bath along with feeding it a simple canned pumpkin, they must also consult with their veterinarian about upcoming steps.

Always Lethargy

Bearded dragons enjoy their time lodging around, yet if the owner notices that their pet is barely moving or the movement is lesser than usual, that can be a symptom the lizard is severely ill. Sometimes that can happen because of improper lighting and heat. That can have a direct adverse influence on the metabolism of the lizard. Owners must check their tank atmosphere for those aspects to rule out heating and lighting as trouble. 

It is also typical for any bearded dragon to become a little sluggish if it is ready to go under brumation, similar to repose in mammals or preparing to shed. A bearded dragon with one appropriate setting which is not relieving must be alert and active. One visit to the vet is recommended if the owner notices sluggish behavior.

Poor Food Appetite

While it is not entirely abnormal for the bearded dragon to refuse to consume each day, lack of appetite may be one reason to worry when paired with other signs. Common causes a beardie is not going to destroy involve the following:

  • Some bearded dragons will not consume if the tank is not warm enough, as the heat is essential for the metabolism of any functioning lizard.
  • Likewise, if there is not enough ultraviolet-B light, that can conclude in one poor appetite.
  • Some bearded Dragons will stop consuming if it feels stressed, which sometimes happens whenever one fresh bearded Dragon is welcome inside the house to one new environment.

Keepers must check for each of those changes whenever they see their bearded Dragon has a poor appetite, and if they can prevent each of them and it is still not consuming along with losing weight. Then talk with a vet right away. The bearded dragon can have parasites, issues in its diet, or an impaction.

Ensure each critical environmental need for the bearded Dragon involves proper diet temperature, lighting, and humidity. The owner will require the knowledge of How to know in advance If your bearded dragon is sick and about to die? Not only to keep their pet healthy but also to rule out reasons whenever they notice sickness symptoms.

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