How to train a Baby Bearded Dragon pet in 2022?

Whenever a bearded baby dragon is adopted, the people prefer to obey and follow the house rules. To accomplish that, the keepers wish to know how to train a baby bearded dragon in 2022?

Besides the general training for the baby, bearded dragon keepers are also curious about the tricks The Baby bearded Dragon can do.

Some individuals assume that the baby dragons are not at all one dumb lizard. Keepers have proved that a bearded baby dragon is an intelligent reptile capable of learning commands and tricks via training.

When trainers talk about coaching baby bearded dragons, they compare it with other domestic creatures such as dogs. However, baby bearded dragons cannot be trained to that extent. Keepers can introduce them with simple tricks and obedience.

Are Baby Bearded Dragons Simple To Train?

Because of the mobility and size, the baby beardie might not be capable of competing with other domestic creatures such as cats and dogs, yet training them has been achieved by numerous dragon keepers. 

Pet keepers have stated that their bearded dragons drink water from a particular dish, are potty trained, approach the keeper on call, and play small but fun games such as fetch.

Some easy tricks which can be taught to a baby beardie are:

  • Potty training a baby bearded dragon. The baby bearded dragons are taught to poop at the correct tray or spot each time in their tank.
  • Responding to their keeper whenever they call its name. This is more by feeding and screaming at the same time. So eventually, the baby beardie Associates its name-calling with the keeper’s arrival and treats.
  • Drinking water from one specific cup. Even though they do not prefer to drink water, hydrating their body is essential. Drinking from one particular cup is more appropriate than whenever they are taking their bath.
  • Fetch game. That is not like fetching games with other domestic animals. It is more like nudging one tiny ball towards the keeper. The keypad pushes it away, and if the baby brings the ball towards them, they can give the baby a treat.
  • Walking on the leash. Keepers have mentioned that not each baby beards likes wearing one leash or harness. Keepers have thought the baby beards slowly.

How Much Time Does It Take To Create a Bond With The Baby Bearded Dragon?

By nature, a bearded baby dragon is a timid reptile and will hide after not seeing any big object. For training a bearded baby dragon, one would require a ton of time and patience.

With one new baby, the keepers should not anticipate it to respond to them and develop a genuine bond so rapidly compared to domestic animals such as cats and dogs.

The bearded baby dragon is stressed because of the change in atmosphere and requires time to set into the new circumstances. Keepers may have to wait at least 10 to 15 days before it starts trusting them.

Once the keeper knows “how to train a baby bearded dragon in 2022?” it becomes their habit. Then the keeper is not required to offer them treats. Frequently repeat the tricks; otherwise, the baby beardie can not recall it.

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