How to handle a stress Bearded Dragon pet in 2022?

How will a keeper know their bearded dragon is stressed? Are there any specific things that can stress them out? How to handle a stress bearded dragon pet in 2022? Each one of these is a valid question any bearded dragon owner will have.

If the bearded dragons are experiencing stress, keepers may notice the symptoms of stress marks, beard puffing, glass surfing, head bobbing, continuously hung open mouth, hissing, frantic activity, sluggishness, lethargy, not consuming food at all, rapidly losing appetite, no basking, no utilizing the bathroom and even diarrhea.

There are numerous possible causes for these behaviors and symptoms, but each is typically related to one stressed bearded dragon. 

Other possible factors of stress

  • Issues inside the tank.
  • Matters outside the tank.
  • Change in diet or poor diet.
  • Mating season.
  • Too little or too much handling.
  • Cohabitation.
  • Getting scared of its reflection.
  • Prolonged stay in the tank.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Injury or illness.

Advice on calming down the stressed bearded dragon

Keepers may be required to calm their dragon down before realizing the root cause of stress. Here are a couple of methods to do so. 

  • Cuddling with the dragon or wrapping it in one warm blanket. 
  • Give their dragon one proper warm bath, and swaddle in one soft towel afterward.
  • Cancel as much sound as possible to provide the dragon some peaceful and quiet time.
  • Try diming down the lighting until the dragon is more relaxed. Of course, keepers will not wish to leave their tank like that for too long as it makes their dragon feel too cold. This works even better if it is also noiseless. 
  • If the beardie is familiar with their owner already, frequently only softly lowering their hand inside the tank may calm it down as it recognizes the keeper’s scent. 
  • Sometimes providing a treat, like the favorite fruit of their dragon, can help.

When is the time to ring the vet? 

Each circumstance is different, and owners can wish to ring their vet automatically if they are coming across symptoms of stress. On top of that, there are a couple of circumstances where experts advise keepers to call the vet.

  • Stress marks will not fade away after finishing the shedding or after seven days have gone by. Some beardies learn to get stress marks for a longer time. Yet it is wise to check in with the vet to ensure each aspect is delicate.
  • The owners have gone through diet external factors and other things but not felt it is creating stress for their pet. 
  • The dragons are exhibiting symptoms of sickness such as bulging eyes, inflamed and red gums, and difficulty walking. 

How much it costs for Bearded Dragon Maintenance per month in 2022?

Stress is a thing each bearded dragon comes across at some point in their existence. In the vast majority of cases, a minor adjustment, care, and observation are going to assist the bearded dragon and calm it down if the keeper is aware of How to handle a stress bearded dragon pet in 2022?.   

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