Baby Pacman Frog Tank size, Substrate, heating, lights, food water dish in 2022

Natives of the humid and damp forests of Southern America, a Pacman frog is also called a horned frog as the top of its head comes to one point on top of each of its eyes, mimicking the appearance of two horns. With its largemouth and triangular-shaped heads, it is often known as a Pacman frog after it resembles the famous character in a video game called Pac-Man. If somebody is interested in getting one, they must know the Baby Pacman Frog Tank size, Substrate, heating, lights, food water dish in 2022.

Pacman Frog Habitat  

The size of the Pacman Frog habitat 

A glass tank size appropriate for the baby Pac-Man frog is 10 gallons to 20 gallons. Thus, a glass habitat will permit any baby to a fully grown Pacman frog to burrow and behave appropriately.

A baby horned frog reaches the size of an adult in 26 weeks to 52 weeks under ideal circumstances. If the keeper opted for a smaller-sized habitat initially, they have to upgrade the size of the habitat as their Pac-Man frog grows up. 

Tanks must be broader than their height and have one screen top to prevent escape and permit proper ventilation.  

Building the habitat of a baby Pacman frog


For any baby frog, offer 3 inches to 4 inches of substrate depth, such as sphagnum moss or coconut fiber, that is simple for the baby frog to hide under, and it is also going to assist with maintaining humidity. Leaf litter may be utilized over the substrate to assist in tunneling and generate a more authentic look.

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Rocks and Gravel are not usually suggested as they are possibly abrasive to the delicate skin of the baby frogs and can be ingested, concluding in deadly gastrointestinal tract blockage.


keepers must maintain the daytime temperature between 75 degrees Fahrenheit 83-degree Fahrenheit and the nighttime temperature between 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit; an under-tank heater under the tank can be utilized if it is managed by the thermostat to eliminate frogs hidden in the substrate from burning. 

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Heat mats must not be utilized in plastic tanks because they can harm these habitats. A low watts incandescent bulb between 15 watts to 25 watts can also be utilized as one heat source if a proper humidity level can be maintained. 


keep the humidity between 70% to 80% by misting the substrate daily. The substrate must not be wet but damp. Excess humidity may conclude in skin infections. Deficient humidity may conclude in dormancy and dehydration.

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UVB low-level lighting is suggested for at least 10 hours every day, and because Pacman frog is nocturnal, one may offer a low watts nocturnal bulb for viewing during the night, too. As required, be sure to offer hiding spots to permit frogs to cover from light.

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Offer one open and a shallow dish of purified water (do not utilize tap or distilled water) near the plants that assist in making one soaking pet less stressed to drink water from or sit in. 

Last update on 2022-10-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Now that the potential Pacman frog keeper knows everything about Baby Pacman Frog Tank size, Substrate, heating, lights, food water dish in 2022 they can confidently start preparing for their new friend.

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