Bearded Dragon Frequently Asked Questions- FAQ Guide 2022

If the individual is gaining a growing interest in keeping one bearded dragon, they possibly have any questions. Well, this article is capable of answering quite this many, yet experts can answer a couple of the most Bearded dragon Frequently Asked Questions- FAQ Guide

Is a bearded dragon a good pet?

Yes. A bearded dragon makes excellent pets. It is a pretty robust reptile and is comparatively simple to care for. The most attractive aspect about bearded dragons is that they are pretty friendly. Typically a bearded dragon is pretty docile and quite seldom becomes aggressive. The bearded dragon is terrific with children who love interchanging with keepers and receiving warm baths.

What does a bearded dragon consume?

ANS.Bearded dragons consume a vast array of plant matter and insects when put in captivity. The most typical insects which a bearded dragon must be fed are:

  1. Mealworms
  2. Horn Worms
  3. Wax Worms
  4. Crickets
  5. Roaches

Those feeder bugs must be bought from well-known pet stores. Never offer any beardie wild-caught bugs!

Bearded Dragons must also be offered an array of veggies and fruits. This aspect of the diet must consist primarily of leafy vegetables and greens such as:

  1. Escarole
  2. Watercress
  3. Endive
  4. Turnip greens
  5. Collards
  6. Dandelion greens
  7. Mustard greens

Some veggies must be blended in with the leafy greens:

  1. Okra
  2. Parsnips 
  3. Green beans 
  4. Acorn squash 
  5. Butternut squash 
  6. Sweet Potato

The veggies must be finely dissed to make it simpler for the beardie to eat. Some fruits such as mango and papaya can also be mixed into the blend.

What size tank does one require for their bearded dragon?

ANS. One must utilize a tank at least three times larger than their bearded pet dragon, and it is one general rule.

A fully grown bearded dragon must be kept in one 55 gallon-sized tank at a minimum. About 125-gallon is going to be optimal. The individual can begin with one smaller tank for the baby if they prefer, yet they must buy larger tanks as it grows up frequently. It is typically most convenient to start with a suitable tank for the adult. So there is no hassle to keep upgrading.

When should one take their bearded dragon to a vet appointment?

ANS. One must take their bearded dragon to any vet soon after bringing their pet home. They will wish the veterinarian to check the beardie for any probable parasites notice the blood for calcium levels and healthy organ function and general health.

It is also necessary to take the bearded dragon in for due checkups each year. Of course, if the bearded dragon displays any sickness symptoms, seek an experienced reptile vet immediately.

Do bearded dragons prefer to be held?

Even though it is a solitary animal, the last majority of the beardies like interacting with its keeper. They typically prefer being impressed or having their chin, cheeks, or head-scratching. Some can pull away and turn its beard black, yet they can alter its mind if they set it down and try again later. 

We hope we have answered all the questions about Bearded dragon Frequently Asked Questions- FAQ Guide individuals have.

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